9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. / Those attending unprogrammed meetings for worship on Sundays from 9 – 9:45 a.m. are welcome to use Friendship Hall. Please follow the guidance below;

  • Stay home if you have any symptoms of illness.
  • Meet outdoors, if feasible, regardless of group size; please bring your own chairs.
  • Reserve meeting room(s) in advance by calling the NGFM office at (336) 292-5487 or emailing [email protected] ; note the capacity of room(s) you will be using and do not exceed maximum occupancy.
  • Optimize ventilation according to the instructions posted by the door of each room.
  • If your group size exceeds the capacity of available indoor space (posted by the door of each room), meet outdoors.
  • Mask and socially distance 6 feet from others, regardless of location or group size.
  • Do not sing or eat together indoors: (least safe activities for unvaccinated people, even if they are masked.)
  • Use restrooms one individual or family group at a time.

Thank you for your care and patience.

NGFM COVID Medical Advisors