In continuing celebration of 350 years of Quaker community in North Carolina, two historical tours will be offered in Tenth Month (October).
On Monday, October 10, a 9:00 – 12:00 noon tour will begin on the new bridge at the west campus of Friends Homes. Overlooking the inadvertent “Pendle Hill” created by earth moved from new construction, Max Carter will share about the beginnings of Quakerism in England and the role Pendle Hill in Lancashire played in “gathering a great people.”
From there, by Friends Homes buses or by foot, the tour will proceed to the New Garden graveyard for a tour illustrating the commitments and values beginning in those Quaker beginnings. The tour will end with an exploration of “the Quad” at Guilford College and stories behind the various buildings that further illustrate Quaker testimonies.
On Saturday, October 15, a 2:00 pm tour of the New Garden burial ground will focus on the wealth of stories interred there among Quaker activists, educators, sports figures, and other interesting “characters.” This tour will take the place of the usual Hallowe’en tour (without “actors”) which can’t be offered this year owing to scheduling conflicts.
For further information, contact Max Carter at: [email protected] or 336-292-7316.