We are considering having a group (or groups) at New Garden of persons interested in sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, or other crafts. In the past there have been New Gardeners who met to quilt, knit or crochet afghans, and make new friends. Other types of needlework such as needlepoint and cross-stitch are also welcome. Beading, anyone? When would be the best times to meet (days of the week, morning, afternoon, evening)? What activities entice you? Depending on responses, we will pick a time to meet for an initial meeting and we can go from there. Everyone is welcome, members and attenders. Please contact Sally Simons, new member at New Garden this year, or Carol Cothern, member since 1985.
Sally – 336-949-9316, ([email protected])
Carol – 336-255-0418, ([email protected])