Hybrid Adult Forum
Please note: Beginning October 30, Adult Forum will return to the original (pre-pandemic) start time, running 9:45- 10:45 a.m. The Zoom link will remain the same.
October 30 & November 6, 9:30-10:30 a.m. (parlor and Zoom): Bill McNeil will facilitate our Adult Forum time together as we share some of our favorite and most meaningful songs. We will listen together and respond. Please submit songs (title and artist) to Karin Heller ([email protected]).
Adult Forum and Spiritual Disciplines are both available on Zoom and in-person. If you choose to join using Zoom, you can find the links in Religious Education Updates and Information.
Fall Fun Fest & UNICEF Fundraiser
Join us Sunday, October 30, 4-6 p.m., for the Fall Fun Fest & UNICEF Fundraiser.
There will be s’mores, pumpkin decorating, scarecrow making, games and stories, and a bake sale. Don’t forget to wear your (Quaker friendly) costume! You can sign up to Trick or Treat for UNICEF too.
Contact Karin Heller if you are interested in volunteering. We still need face painters and Friends who are willing to help run crafts and games. We also need lots of baked goods!
Godly Play/Faith & Play Training Weekend
November 18-20 / Are you interested in learning how to teach Godly Play/Faith & Play? Now is your chance! We will have Godly Play/Faith & Play training for New Garden Friends and First Friends Meetings the weekend of November 18-20. Some training will take place at NGFM, some at First Friends. If you would like to learn more about Godly Play, you can learn here. https://quakerfaithandplay.org/about
If you would like to learn more about, or register for this training, you can do so here. https://forms.gle/MxPct1iLfYdZ5PXo7
Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship
All children are invited and encouraged to join us for Meeting for Worship. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room.
Childcare is available for children 0-4 years of age beginning at 10:30 a.m. until the rise of Meeting for Worship. Please contact Karin Heller if you plan to use childcare to ensure coverage. [email protected]
Quaker Parent Mutual Support Groups
The Quaker parent mutual support groups are a supportive forum for multiple yearly meetings, in which Quaker parents can talk about their parenting in their faith. It’s open to any Friend currently raising children under age 19. FREE, online, facilitated in English on Zoom. The groups meet for an hour every other week, twelve gatherings total, between November 2022 and April 2023.
Groups are open to anyone from anywhere and are assigned according to age of children and availability adjusting for time zones. In past years, participants have ranged from Korea and the Philippines across the western hemisphere and all the way over to Scandinavia!
Register by November 1st- we could ALL use a little support! Registration link below.
Volunteers Needed
The Religious Education Committee is currently looking for Adult Forum facilitators, childcare volunteers, and Friends who are interested in leading Intergenerational First Day school lessons. We especially need childcare volunteers.
All of our Religious Education programming at New Garden Friends Meeting is meant to be a cooperative community effort. We need you!
Please email Karin Heller ([email protected]) if you would like more information about volunteering.