Simple Christmas
Simple Christmas is THIS Saturday, December 10th, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. There will be model trains, stories, crafts, music, fellowship, and general merriment.
Would you like to lead a craft or activity and help make magic happen? There are many craft ideas and supplies available for those interested. Volunteers are also needed for set up and clean up. Contact Karin Heller. [email protected]
Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship & Meeting for Wiggles is BACK!
All children are invited and encouraged to join us during Meeting for Worship. There is a blanket in the back corner of the meetingroom for children to sit on for Meeting for Wiggles. They are welcome to bring small, quiet toys to play with. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room.
Childcare is available beginning at 9:30 a.m. until the rise of Meeting for Worship.
Please email Karin Heller if you plan to use childcare to ensure coverage. [email protected]
Adult Forum 9:45-10:45 a.m. (hybrid-parlor and Zoom).
December 11: Through circle processes and dialogue, learn to recognize microaggressions and improve a culture of diversity in the communities you live and work.
Facilitator, Zulfiya Tursunova, Peace and Conflict Studies at Guilford College.