Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship and Meeting for Wiggles is BACK!
All children are invited and encouraged to join us during Meeting for Worship. There is a blanket in the back corner of the meetingroom for children to sit on for Meeting for Wiggles. They are welcome to bring small, quiet toys to play with. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room.
Childcare is available beginning at 9:30 a.m. until the rise of Meeting for Worship.
Please email Karin Heller if you plan to use childcare to ensure coverage. [email protected]
Upcoming Adult Forum– 9:45-10:45 a.m.
(hybrid-parlor and Zoom)
January 8: Quaker House is a manifestation of the Friends’ Peace Testimony. Based in Fayetteville, NC, home of Ft. Bragg, Quaker House provides counseling and support to service members who are questioning their role in the military; educates them, their families, and the public about military issues; and advocates for a more peaceful world. Wayne Finegar, Executive Director, will join us during our Adult Forum time together to share more about the important work that they do. To learn more, you may visit the website: