Dear Friends,
I missed you on Sunday, but I had a wonderful time in New York leading a workshop and preaching for a Congregational church (and seeing two shows on Broadway!). I will be bringing the message for Jamestown Friends Meeting this Sunday, but I am still here during the week. Please reach out if you have pastoral care needs. My email address is [email protected] and the office phone number is 336-292-5487. My office hours are Monday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. and by appointment.
I also wanted to remind you that I am asking for your assistance in selecting the Transition Team for this interim time. This team will be a group of trusted individuals who are representative of the meeting. Please prayerfully consider who you would like to recommend for the Transition Team. You can learn more about this and suggest names using the letter that was sent out with the newsletter or online here: The deadline is Sunday, October 23. Thank you for your help! Blessings, Ashley