Dear Friends,
I am glad to be back with you this Sunday for our lightly programmed worship. I enjoyed my time at Jamestown Friends Meeting, but I missed you! I am here during the week, so please reach out if you have pastoral care needs. My office hours are on Monday from 2-4pm and by appointment. My email address is [email protected] and the office phone number is 336-292-5487.
I also wanted to let you know that a clergy group in Scotland called Spill the Beans has chosen my book, The Women’s Lectionary, to feature in their quarterly resource guide for this church year. They have created liturgy, prayers, and intergenerational resources for using this book in a church setting. Their work is beautiful, and it makes me feel like my book is an ongoing collaboration with people who are using it. You can see a sample here:
And thank you to everyone who has suggested names for the Transition Team. We have a great list of people to draw from! I will be working with MM&C to bring a recommendation for the team to meeting for business.
Blessings, Ashley