Dear Friends,
It was good to be back with you on Sunday! And I wanted to share about two events this weekend that made me feel proud to be part of the New Garden Friends Meeting community.
The first event was the memorial for Ray Treadway. I have known Ray and Carole Treadway for many years, through Friends World Committee for Consultation, The School of the Spirit, and Friendship Meeting. Ray’s memorial on Saturday was lovely, with messages from Friends near and far. I was glad that we could provide hospitality for the gathering in the meetinghouse.
The second event was the Family Fun Fest on Sunday afternoon. It was wonderful to see so many kids and families, to play games, and get to know people who I had seen in the directory but had not yet met in person. I wanted to share the fun with the meeting community, so I took pictures for everyone to see!
I am so grateful to everyone who volunteered to help with these events. You volunteered to organize, to create programs, to fund raise, to run the technology, as ushers, setting up, cleaning up, and as needed. You made these events possible. Thank you.
Blessings, Ashley
Office Hours: 2-4pm on Mondays and by appointment