Our current social distancing policy has put the work of this weeks committees on hold. Both committees support the social gathering activities of our Meeting on First Days. The committees are Coffee Fellowship and Ushers, Greeters & Sound System.

Coffee Fellowship Committee facilitates our 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. fellowship time each First Day (Sunday) in the Fellowship Hall. Committee members are asked to work 8 to 10 First Days during the year after their July organizing meeting. Duties are setting out the supplies and drinks for participants, assisting with needs that may come up and then clean up afterwards.

Ushers, Greeters & Sound System also perform their tasks each First Day morning with the possible need at other times such as for Memorial Services. Members greet attendees and hand out the Bulletin, assist with collection of the offering and offer other assistance or information as needed. A few designated members operate the public address and recording system. This committee encourages and desires the participation of our Young Friends.

As soon as our social distancing requirements are lifted we will need people ready to pick up this Welcoming Work again. Please consider helping the Meeting in these areas. Contact a Nominating Committee member; Alan Spiewak, Clerk, Lois Baldwin, Donna Allred, Elizabeth Riggs, Charles Cameron, Mary Louise Smith, Cheryl Hopkins or Gertrude Beal (ex officio) if you have any questions or you feel led to help on a committee.

Charles Cameron for the Nominating Committee