Greetings Friends,
I hope you are all faring as well as can be expected in this strange time that we are experiencing. I want to invite you all to Monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business this First Day (Sunday) July 5 beginning at 1 p.m.
Several items will be discussed, including the following:
1) Solar+ Energy is ready to seek approval moving into the next steps for installing solar panels. I believe the roofing contract is ready to be signed.
2) Meeting on Ministry and Counsel has several important things to bring before gathered folks, including steps for moving New Garden toward becoming an Anti-Racism institution, Memorial Minutes for recently departed Friends, and a recommendation about building usage from the COVID-19 Advisory Committee.
3) Reports from Pastor Margaret, RE Coordinator Karin Heller, Finance and Stewardship, Peace and Social Concerns, and perhaps others.
I hope you will all come to provide support and input as we work our way through this new life in which we find ourselves.
Tim Lindeman, Presiding Clerk, NGFM