You are cordially invited to become part of the New Garden Friends Meeting Meals on Wheels Team, which delivered its first meals on Monday, February 13. Afterwards, our team members talked about the fun they had, the interesting and appreciative people they met, the parts of Greensboro they learned about and their feeling that they were performing a valuable service.
Recipients of the meals are Greensboro residents who are unable to procure or prepare meals on their own. Many of them are low income and have no daily social contacts other than MOW volunteers. MOW delivers 520 meals per day, five days per week, and the waiting list for recipients is lengthy. More volunteers are needed to meet our fellow citizens’ needs.
The time commitment for the New Garden Friends Meeting team is several hours per morning on the second Tuesday of each month. The food is prepared in advance and is picked up at Senior Resources of Guilford,1401 Benjamin Parkway. If you choose to volunteer, you need to complete an application and attend a training session at Senior Resources of Guilford, You will then deliver food with another New Gardener or whomever you choose to recruit.
Please join us! For an application or more information, call
Tina Oliver, Volunteer Coordinator at Senior Resources of Guilford, (336) 373-4816 , [email protected] ; or Jane Perrin, NGFM MOW Day Chair, (336) 456-8486, [email protected].