“Many hands make light work”: That’s the motto of New Garden’s nominating committee as we begin our annual swing spring into action. So, we’re inviting you to consider how you can lend your hands and talents in support of the programs and activities of the meeting, and enjoy being with other New Gardeners. And … thanks to Zoom, and other new technologies ….most committees meet electronically, so the burden of rushing through dinner and driving out to the meeting house is a thing of the past. Just grab your coffee/ click a switch and you’re all set.
Here’s a brief summary of some of the committees and their responsibilities. Each of these committees will have a designated clerk for the coming year (beginning in July 2023), so new volunteers will have leadership in place.
Coffee Fellowship Committee – provides coffee/fellowship on First Day mornings prior to Meeting for Worship.
Communications Committee – strategizes and implements ways of communicating within the meeting, electronically, newsletter, on-line, and externally (signage, etc)
Finance and Stewardship– oversees the budgeting and expenditure of meeting funds, informs the meeting of our financial position, and encourages contributions and good stewardship of our resources.
Grounds Committee – provides oversight of our beautiful property and arranges for necessary improvements/ maintenance of our landscape, by professional contractors.
House Committee – provides oversight of the meeting house, its structure, utilities, and aesthetics. Members are occasionally asked to gather for a work day, but do not meet regularly.
Literature/Library Committee – arranges for subscriptions and purchases of Quaker related materials, oversees circulation of books, and promotes reading and awareness of books in our collection.
Memorial Reception Committee – this committee does not meet, but organizes itself to provide refreshments for New Garden related families after memorial services at the Meeting House.
Music Committee – arranges for New Garden’s musical ministry in conjunction with the choir director and organist.
Nominating Committee – meets every Spring to identify and recruit New Gardners to participate in the work of the meeting.
Religious Education – works with, and advises, the permanent RE director (Karin Heller) and the pastoral minister on developing of programs for New Gardeners of all ages.
Scholarship Committee – awards scholarship money from donor designated scholarship funds to worthy students. Meets periodically.
Peace and Social Concerns – Keeps abreast of social concerns in the near and wider community – advising us of opportunities for our ministry of caring, and supporting other local peace and social concerns initiatives.
Cemetery Association – members represent the meeting on the board of the (independent) New Garden Cemetery Association that administers and maintains our historic cemetery.
Ushers/Greeters – members are the front and forward faces of New Garden Meeting each Sunday. Serve in rotations developed by the committee.
We look forward to hearing from you all as to where you will want to serve!
Many thanks from your nominating committee: Judy Haughee-Bartlett, Cathy Hamilton, Megan Warrick, Caroline McAlister, Sallie Clotfelter (Clerk). You can email Sallie at [email protected]