One of the measures of a good community is how it cares for others.

As New Garden plans to install solar panels to cut our power bills, the Solar+ Project will also have an energy-saving outreach partnership with Community Housing Solutions (CHS) to help low income families reduce their power bills. Every year CHS repairs the homes of over 25 homeowners. With our partnership, CHS will install insulation and other weatherization measures, saving families up to 25% of their energy bills. On average, it costs about $1,500 to make each CHS-client’s home energy-efficient.

As part of the Solar+ Project, we want to raise enough funds to benefit at least 20 families. After the Meeting begins realizing energy savings from its solar panels, a portion of the annual power-bill savings may be used to continue the outreach effort and help more families.

With this energy-saving outreach the Meeting will help others, help ourselves, and help the environment.

You can learn more about the Solar+ Project at and Community Housing Solutions at

Look for more news about an on-line event on Thursday evening, July 16 to inform the New Garden Meeting community about the Solar+ Project, featuring Gene Brown, director of Community Housing Solutions, and Usman Noor, owner of 8M Solar.

Bill McNeil, member New Garden Solar+ Team