Margaret Rowlett and Vicki McCready, members of First Friends Meeting, have participated in the Working Group to Undo Racism of First Friends Meeting since its inception in January, 2016. They facilitated a workshop during the North Carolina Fellowship of Friends Annual Gathering (virtual) and are excited to engage with other Quakers on the topic of race. They feel they learn something new every time they have an opportunity to discuss antiracism work. The workshops will begin at 7:00 p.m. on each of the
evenings listed below.
Email Frank Massey at ([email protected]) to sign up. You will receive a ZOOM link on the week of the event so that you might join and participate.
– September 17: Where can we start as we engage in antiracism work?
– October 15: What is systemic racism, and how can we address it?
– November 19: What does it mean to be antiracist?