The Social Concerns Committee has organized the Diversity Task Force for the purpose of gathering information and insight which will expand the horizons of New Garden Friends Meeting. This idea and the goals associated with this came out of the Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. The motivation for creating this task force was the Friends Yearly Conference. You may be familiar with the book, “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship” or the pamphlet, “Quaker Racism” by Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye.
Quakers are known for their social and ethical concerns and passion to help others whether it be from the time of the revolutionary battles in Guilford to the Underground Railroad efforts to the Civil Rights struggles as well as the present day social concerns for all peoples. Eventually we will confront and win on all of these fronts. Presently, the task force is focused on the issues referenced in the
aforementioned book and pamphlet: racism. The task force originally organized in March and we have had meetings in April and May. Our next meeting will be held in June. Look for a reminder in the Sunday bulletin. We are gathering resources including information and classes through the Racial Equity Institute, various books and experts in this area. If you would like to share any
information you have on diversity including age, orientations or other concerns please contact Marchesa Newlin.