Future Use of New Garden’s Parsonage/ March 31, 2022

Long Range Planning at New Garden Friends Meeting / Our pastoral minister, Margaret Webb, and her family have bought a house and are moving out of New Garden’s parsonage. New Garden Monthly Meeting has re-activated the Long-Range Planning committee, for the purpose of studying possible future uses of the parsonage. The committee is beginning by asking New Gardeners to send in suggestions by email to Long Range Planning clerk Jim Clotfelter, at ([email protected]). Please lay out…

Finance & Stewardship Notes / October 19, 2021

The Finance and Stewardship Committee would like to thank the New Garden Friends Meeting community for the continued financial support of the Meeting. Contributions from Meeting members and attenders, are our primary source of revenue. Your contributions allow us to offer virtual and in-person Meeting for Worship, Young Friends Programming, Adult Forum, Brotherhood Class, Meetinghouse upkeep, funding for community organizations through Peace and Social concerns and so much more. As we look to 2022, this…

Finance & Stewardship Update / August 17, 2021

Thanks to each of you who have contributed to the Meeting’s operations this year. As of the end of July individual contributions have totaled $128,922, just over half of the budgeted contributions ($245,000 of the total budget of $354,000) for the year. This is on track to cover our budgeted expenses. As you realize, Covid accommodations have made some of our expenses more challenging to predict. When these challenges or specific needs arise, as a…

Special Committee To Do Important Long-Term Planning for New Garden Friends Meeting / July 2021

Monthly Meeting in June approved the creation of an ad hoc committee, Gifts Planning committee, to determine how the Meeting might manage the annual Sampson gifts between now and 2028, with the understanding that these important gifts will end after 2028. This ad hoc committee may also consider the impact of other large gifts. The Finance & Stewardship committee and Investments committee will be represented on the Gifts Planning committee, but we hope to involve…

Share Your Proposal for Funds Before April 5, 2021

The Peace and Social Concerns Committee (PSCC) is seeking proposals for funds. Each spring and fall, New Garden provides small grants to organizations for projects that address the meeting’s priorities of peace, simplicity, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship of Earth. PSCC looks at all proposed organizations and projects for their antiracist value. If you know of an organization or project that could benefit from a small grant ($200 – $500), please have a representative of…

Finance & Stewardship Update / November 11, 2020

Year to date, we have raised 67% of our budgeted contribution revenue. Nobody likes to come up short at the end of a budget cycle. To move NGFM to stop relying on money from the Sampson bequest, which has an end date, we set a goal of increasing our contribution income by 10% in 2020. To close out the year properly, we need to raise $77,000. We ask our members and attenders to consider making…

New Garden Friends Meeting Interest Groups

Finance & Stewardship Report / July 5th

Generally, our budget is in good shape. Contributions are down a bit from prior years with slightly fewer donors. But some expenses have been limited with the Meetinghouse closed. More people are participating in online donations through our web page. Thank you. The solar project is progressing, with a re-roofing contract about to be signed. I’m sure you’ll hear more about the project from the group working on it, but there should be little impact…

Help Families Save Energy and Money with New Garden Friends Meeting SOLAR+ Project

One of the measures of a good community is how it cares for others. As New Garden plans to install solar panels to cut our power bills, the Solar+ Project will also have an energy-saving outreach partnership with Community Housing Solutions (CHS) to help low income families reduce their power bills. Every year CHS repairs the homes of over 25 homeowners. With our partnership, CHS will install insulation and other weatherization measures, saving families up…

Solar+ Project Update / Why Solar Now?

I’m excited about New Garden’s Solar+ Project! Soon, we’ll be able to generate enough electricity to cover 3/4 of the Meeting’s power – using the clean power of the sun and panels warranted for 30 years. This is one small contribution to using nonpolluting renewal energy – a critical part of reducing the impact of climate change. The finances are important to me too. Our investment of $52,825 for 121 panels will reduce payments for…