There will be a donation box for Backpack Beginnings on the porch this week through Sunday. Friends are invited to bring contributions. Please find a list of needed items below. Greatest need items are in italics.
FOOD PROGRAM: (please check expiration dates) Pop Top Spaghettios, Canned Chicken, Squeeze Jelly, Plastic PB Jars, Individual Cereals, Individual Oatmeal packets, Individual sized proteins (Chef Boyardee microwaveable meals), fruit cups, cereal and nut-free individually wrapped snacks, Especially need Chicken and Rice Chef Boyardee and Vienna Sausage, Chef Boyardee large poptop cans, Healthy Snacks, Shelf stable proteins, Soup, Breakfast Items, Canned Chicken, Pasta/Rice, Canned fruit
COMFORT BACKPACK PROGRAM: Deodorant – Full Size, Activity books for all ages, Tissues -individual packs, Playing cards, Books for ages 12-17, Shampoo – Full sized, Socks – Ages 7-11, Washcloths
CLOTHING PANTRY PROGRAM: Children’s Coats – Infant – size 16/18, Baby clothes 0-3 months size, Spring/Summer clothing for boys sizes 2T – 10/12, Spring/Summer clothing for girls sizes 2T-7/8, Boys and girls solid polo shirts in sizes 7/8, 10/12, and 14, Girl’s khaki/navy pants in all sizes 6-14, New Toddler sized socks; approximately 2T-3T size, New Men’s boxer briefs in S, M, L and XL
PERSONAL CARE PANTRY: Toothpaste, Deodorant, Brushes and Combs, Washcloths
BOOK BEGINNINGS: Non English Books, Multicultural Books, Chapter books for Elementary and Middle School students, New or gently used board books for 0-2 year olds
BABY ITEMS: Neosure Formula, Similac Formula, Gerber Good Start Formula, Sizes 4,5, and 6 diapers, Formula – 12.5 oz cans, Stage 2 and 3 baby food, Baby wipes, Baby shampoo, pull ups (all sizes)