Earlier this month, we experienced an attack on the Capitol, our democracy, and our community. As we regroup and move forward together, Friends Committee on National Legislation invites you to attend the January Quaker Changemaker Event: “Strengthening Quaker Community.” Moderated by FCNL’s director of Quaker leadership, Alicia McBride, this discussion is sure to spark deep reflections and new ideas Event: “Strengthening Quaker Community”, on Wednesday, January 27, 6:30 p.m. EST. Moderated by FCNL’s director of Quaker leadership, Alicia McBride, this discussion is sure to spark deep reflections and new ideas.
Friends are invited and encouraged to sign up for this virtual event using the link provided below, and join us during our Adult Forum time on Jan 31 for discussion. If you are unable to attend, others will share what they learned with you. https://tinyurl.com/yyt5f4sz
For more information about any of our Religious Education programming, or if you would like to receive links, please contact Karin Heller.