Dear Friends,
One of the fun things about my job as pastor is that I get invitations to speak about Friends at New Garden! On Saturday, I went to High Point Friends Meeting for their annual planning retreat. Someone there had read our newsletter and wanted to learn more about the approaches New Garden Friends are taking to pastoral care. I shared about Caring Friends and our Care Fair, and all of the ways Friends are caring for each other here, including with cards, meals, and visits.
Another invitation came from the podcast called “Dumbest Guy in The Room.” In this podcast, the host brings in experts on a subject and tries to learn and not be the “dumbest” guy in the room anymore. The host is interested in spirituality and meditation, so I will do my best to help him learn about Friends! We are recording this week, and I will let you know when the podcast is available for listening.
It is fun to talk about you all because you are interesting and doing good work. Thank you for being the kind of community that I am glad to share with others.
Blessings, Ashley
[email protected]
Office Hours on Monday from 2-4pm and by appointment