Dear Friends,
Our reading for this week is one of my favorites in the entire Bible. It’s Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-56, sometimes called the Magnificat. This is the text I have preached on most often over the past decade, and I am looking forward to sharing a message on it again this week.
Mary begins this song of praise with: “My spirit rejoices.” I agree! Even though there have been some hard things, my spirit rejoices in this community. We are doing good work together, building a foundation for the future of New Garden Friends Meeting.
And we have some celebrations coming up. Let’s light candles (and a bonfire!) in the darkest time of year. Let’s raise our voices together in song. Let’s remember the promise of this season of Advent: Though the nights are long, God is here with us.
Blessings, Ashley
pastorashley@, 336-338-1986
Office Hours: 2-4pm on Mondays and by appointment