Notes from Pastor Ashley / February 8, 2023

Dear Friends, I met with the Transition Team this past week, and I am excited about our work together. I have also realized that not everyone knows what the Transition Team is or what their work is. The Transition Team will go through five focus points—heritage, mission, leadership, connections, and future—to give the meeting a clear sense of what it wants in a settled pastor. (For more information on each of these focus points, see…

Open House February 12, 2023

This Sunday, February 12th at the rise of meeting please join friends for an open-house walk-thru of our Parsonage Refugee Welcome House. There will be light refreshments on the parsonage front lawn. Many thanks to all who have supported this project. Three churches in town (Congregational United Church of Christ on Radius Drive, Church of Christ on Wendover and Hill Street, and New Garden Friends Meeting) are working with Church World Services to provide immediate…

The Work of the Transition Team / February 2023

The Transition Team is a group of trusted individuals the meeting chooses that is spiritually grounded and representative of the meeting as a whole. This team provides a framework for the meeting to systematically assess its pastoral needs and congregational goals before beginning the search for a new pastor. The role of the interim minister is as pastor to the people and consultant to the Transition Team. The pastor works with the Transition Team to…

Religious Education / February 8, 2023

Dear Friends, Doesn’t winter start to get a bit tiresome come February? It’s still cold. It’s still dark. But there aren’t any gatherings, celebrations, or baked goods. Fear not! We’ve got just the event to cure any winter blues. Join us Friday, February 17th, 5-7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for a cookie bake and game night. Childcare will be available, but must be pre-arranged. I’ll include more information in the newsletter next week. In the…

First Day at New Garden Friends Meeting / February 12, 2023

9:45 a.m. Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Adult Forum (Zoom) 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Spiritual Disciplines (Zoom) 11 a.m. Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship* • Worshipful Music: Andy Mock • Welcome: Ashley Wilcox • Announcements: Karen Garraputa • Congregational Hymn: • Reading: Matthew Exodus 15:1–11, 20–21 • Special Music: • Message: The Song of Miriam • Silent Worship • Holding in the Light *Meeting for Worship livestream: Facebook Live: 12:00 p.m. Open…