Notes from Pastor Ashley / January 24, 2023

Dear Friends, One of the fun things about my job as pastor is that I get invitations to speak about Friends at New Garden! On Saturday, I went to High Point Friends Meeting for their annual planning retreat. Someone there had read our newsletter and wanted to learn more about the approaches New Garden Friends are taking to pastoral care. I shared about Caring Friends and our Care Fair, and all of the ways Friends…

Story Circle for Marcy Maury / January 29

On Sunday, January 29, Friends are invited to join other New Gardeners in an informal story circle to share some of our stories about Marcy Maury and the many ways she was involved with our community over the years. We will meet at 3:00 p.m., following the called meeting to talk about the budget. If we’re a small group, we’ll meet in the parlor, and if the group is larger, we’ll move to the fellowship…

Challenging Racism / January 25, 2023

Quakers have a wide reputation as having been leaders in the abolition movement, and there were a good number of Quakers that, indeed, faced threats, financial ruin and even risked their lives for the cause. Other Quaker enslavers took longer to be convinced, and some were eventually read out of meeting for enslaving Africans as yearly meetings began taking a stand that those who owned slaves could no longer call themselves members of the Religious…

News from Religious Education / January 25, 2023

Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship and Meeting for Wiggles is BACK! All children are invited and encouraged to join us during Meeting for Worship. There is a blanket in the back corner of the meetingroom for children to sit on for Meeting for Wiggles. They are welcome to bring small, quiet toys to play with. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room. Childcare is available beginning at…

Quaker Cupboard Seeking Food & Hygiene Donations for Guilford College Students / January 2023

Hi friends, this update comes from Jack and Quinn Finnegan in relation to our efforts to help those experiencing food shortage at Guilford College. Through our Quaker cupboard program, we are asking for donations of items such as Ramen, pasta and sauce, nut butter, dried fruits, pop tarts, Gatorade, tortillas, chips, KIND bars, alternative shelf stable milks, other non-perishable food items, and hygiene products. The bin for contributions is located in the meeting foyer. Thank…