Notes from Pastor Ashley / December 15, 2022

Dear Friends, Our reading for this week is one of my favorites in the entire Bible. It’s Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-56, sometimes called the Magnificat. This is the text I have preached on most often over the past decade, and I am looking forward to sharing a message on it again this week. Mary begins this song of praise with: “My spirit rejoices.” I agree! Even though there have been some hard things, my…

Challenging Racism / December 15, 2022

As I’ve been wrapping Christmas presents and sending cards this year, I am reminded that the images of Santas, the Holy Family and other people are primarily white. Occasionally there is a dark-skinned Wise Man or child playing in snow. . . (I have been glad to see some emojis in e-communication that have different skin colors, though.) One year a long time ago I bought some wrapping paper with Black Santas. No one objected,…

Jim Morgan Holiday Concert / December 19, 2022

A friend of mine (and an even longer term friend of Judy Haughee-Bartlett) is going to be performing a holiday piano concert soon. He is Jim Morgan, a Presbyterian minister in Laurinburg. The concert is to be Monday, December 19th, 7:00 p.m. at River Landing at Sandy Ridge, 1575 John Knox Drive, in Colfax. The concert is open to the public without charge. I hope to attend as I am a big fan of his…

Religious Education Update / December 15, 2022

Children are Welcome at Meeting for Worship & Meeting for Wiggles is BACK! All children are invited and encouraged to join us during Meeting for Worship. There is a blanket in the back corner of the meeting room for children to sit on for Meeting for Wiggles. They are welcome to bring small, quiet toys to play with. Crayons and activity packets are available in the foyer outside the Worship room. Childcare is available beginning at…

Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends / December 15, 2022

Over the past several months, your concern and participation in strengthening our democracy has been vital. Through your individual or Quaker Meeting endorsement of the Urgent Call and through your involvement as a poll worker, poll chaplain, election official, volunteer for candidates, and through prayer—you have helped protect our democracy and counter authoritarianism. Thank you! We are encouraged that democracy prevailed in the recent midterm elections, that election violence has not occurred, and with few…

First Day at New Garden Friends Meeting / December 18, 2022

9:45 a.m. Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Adult Forum (Zoom) 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Spiritual Disciplines (Zoom) 11 a.m. Semi-Programmed Meeting for Worship* • Worshipful Music: • Announcements: Karen Garraputa • Lighting the Advent Candle (Peace) • Congregational Hymn: • Reading: Luke 1:46-56 • Special Music: • Message: My Spirit Rejoices, Ashley Wilcox • Silent Worship • Holding in the Light   *Meeting for Worship livestream: Facebook Live: