Grant Money Available for College Students Working on Peace & Justice Issues / September 2022

The Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Friendship Friends Meeting asks your help in spreading the word about the grant for student groups working on peace and justice issues that we are again offering. The Friendship Friends Meeting Grant is for up to $500 to groups of college students in Guilford County to organize and work on peace and justice issues. The deadline to apply is September 23rd. All information is on the Friendship website…

Piedmont Friends Fall Retreat / October 1, 2022

Friends will gather at Mendenhall Homeplace 603 W. Main Street, Jamestown, NC 27282 for fellowship and a bring-your-own picnic lunch. In the afternoon, Friends will be able to tour the historic Quaker homeplace, which was an active location of the Underground Railroad. A flyer will be coming soon with more details and registration information. In the meantime, please let Friends know to save the date! Thank you, Piedmont Friends Clerking Committee, Marian Beane, Sally Freeman,…

North Carolina Quaker Men Dinner / September 19, 2022

Please encourage any and all Quaker Men of all ages to attend and participate in the NC Quaker Men Fall Dinner to be held at Centre Friends Meeting, 325 NC Hwy 62 East, Greensboro, NC 27406 on Monday night, September 19 at 5:59 p.m. We hope musically gifted men will gather before the dinner and rehearse for a Men’s Chorus to sing during the program! Josh Brown, pastor at Springfield Friends Meeting, will be our…