Meeting for Worship / February 7, 2021

Sunday 11 a.m. / Meeting for Worship livestream: Facebook Live: Prepared messages are posted at: Order of Worship Welcome Announcement Reading: Genesis 1:26-31 Solar Panel Blessing Special Music: “The Lord is My Light” from Songs and Prayers of Taize. Kate Seel, vocal Message: Our Sacred Connection to Nature

New Garden Friends Meeting Interest Groups

Seekers Class; Starting February 7, 2021

Seekers classes are set to take place by Zoom on Sunday afternoons February 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. These classes are a wonderful opportunity for newcomers and long-time members to learn more about Quakerism and New Garden Friends Meeting. We will cover the basics of Quaker history, Quaker faith, Quaker community practices and business practices and variations among different branches of Quakers. If you are interested in participating in Seekers…

Covid Updates / January 27, 2021

COVID 19 vaccine access is similar to last week as below: Vaccinations are currently open to persons age 65 and older by appointment only, at Phone: 336-890-1188. Health care workers and long term care staff and residents are also still being vaccinated. It has been widely noted in the news media that this program has had to put vaccine appointments already made on hold due to insufficient vaccine supply. However, it is recommended to…

New Gardener’s Day of Service / January 18, 2021

The January 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parade was cancelled due to Covid, but a Day Of Service was encouraged by City Council member Sharon Hightower. Fourteen New Gardeners showed up masked with trash bags, and were spread out to pick up litter from all the blocks of MLK Drive. We easily spread out over the two mile stretch, and finally joined to sing in masks at the statue of King at Bragg Street.…

New Ideas Meeting Notes / January 24, 2021

New Ideas gathering meeting update: A desire for NGFM to consider animal welfare concerns. To Peace and Social Concerns. A desire for NGFM to promote and support the annual New Year’s Prayer for Peace. To Religious Education. Provide study and information about other religions that value peace To Religious Education. A concern for NGFM to get timely information about the issues at Guilford College; is there a way for the Meeting and members to be…